CANBERK Yeditepe üni den arkadaş çevremizce dinliyor beğeniyor ve takipteyiz,harikasınız. DAN AWWW AMAZING RADIO STATION Luke I just discovered your channel and it's been great, I can listen to music without buying a paid membership, this is great, love from Germany - Blumberg



Nuevo Espacio dedicado al viaje por las ondas electromagnéticas, viciosas y oscuras, con sonidos duros y obscenos, un espacio donde se muestra el lado más oscuro de Roberto Doldán (RDOLDAN), haciéndonos encaminar en su famosa frase.. Be Yourself.
New Space dedicated to traveling through the electromagnetic waves, vicious and dark, with harsh and obscene sounds, a space where the darker side of Roberto Doldán (RDOLDAN) is shown, leading us in his famous phrase .. Be Yourself.

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